Frequently Asked Questions

1.Q:What if I do not know what size bulb my vehicle uses?

A: Click Here for a Bulb Size Guide which will help find what bulb your vehicle needs.

2.Q: What if my HID/LED don't turn on right after installation?

A:If your HID/LED bulbs do not light upon installation, the likely explanation is that the stock wiring’s polarity is reversed, referencing to the ballast. In other words, the power and ground wires of your vehicle’s stock harness are reversed compared to the ballast. To correct for reverse polarity issues, please remove the plug from the input socket of the ballast, flip the plug and re-connect it. The HID bulbs should now turn on. If they don’t, you may have a fuse that is blown; if so, please replace the fuse then try the HIDs again.

3. Q: Will HID/LED bulbs help with visibility?

A: HID/ LED kits dramatically improve night vision driving. Reports show that 60% of night accidents are caused due to poor lighting conditions. HID kits illuminate hundreds of feet in front of the vehicle. It is also useful in the rain roads are more difficult to view.

5.Q: How long will HID/ LED kits last?

A: HIDs/LEDs have a much longer lifespan than halogen bulbs. HID/LED headlights last at least 2,000 hours, and in some cases, they can last as long as 8,000 hours.

6.Q: Which is better LED or HID?

A: Although our HID kits are very high quality kits, LED kits are overall more efficient, can last up to 5 times more than HID's, and have shorter installation times.